Tuesday, 23 September 2014

New server!

Hi guys!

I just switched my blog to Wordpress. I feel like I'm getting stuck and limited with the Blogger's option.

The transition will happen over the course of the upcoming weeks. All my patterns and pages will be transfered. I just need to get the hang out of it and find time between taking care of Little Max, actually knitting and everything else! 

Once it's done, you will be automatically redirected to my new web site. Until then, everything is still available on my old blog.

In the meantime, don't forget to change your links and subscription so you won't miss any post! 


Have a nice day!


Carnoostydebs said...

Hi there, hope you don't mind me gate crashing your blog!
I've have just bought emollient and I don't understand it.
My son wants it for his christmas so I've got to get it right lol.
Is it knitted top down? What size needles do I start on? Why is it a provisional cast on? Where are the instructions for the actual body of the cardigan?
I've knitted for nearly 40 years so don't be afraid to put me right 👍

Carnoostydebs said...

Sorry excuse predictive text! Emollient is of course Èmilien!

Wandering Where is Waldo said...

This is a great poost thanks

143 Records said...

I look forward to seeing what changes are made with Wordpress.

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