I love Fall. We get to wear all our knitty goodness. But we never have enough, don't we?
My Aidez cardigan is going well, but slowly. I work on it when I'm tired of my tiny yarn/needles projects.
I needed a small project to bring to Rhinebeck, so I casted on these Kalajoki socks. One's already down and I'm about to turn the heel on the 2nd one. A new FO soon?
Oh these? Hum, they're called Westphalie, and they are a new design I'm working on...
That's so true about fall, I always feel like I'm lacking in the knitwear department even though I spend all year knitting! Your work is lovely.
Tout ça ?! Eh bhen t'es courageuse ! Elles ont l'air sympa les chaussettes Westphalie, j'ai hâte de les voir finies !
Va falloir que je m'y colle moi aussi car il commence à faire froid ! Là je dois faire deux châles rayés (silk kerchief) pour noël !!! Faut que je me grouille !
Bises et bon tricot !
Very yummy yarn pics!
Each looks so amazing and as for Westphalie, I can't wait to see what that becomes.
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