Saturday, 25 January 2014

Hello... I'm back?

Almost a year and a half since my last post. No notes, no explanations, I just kinda... vanished from the online knitting world. 

I just couldn't post or knit anymore. It was just getting out of hand, taking too much place in my life, and my coward solution was to just let it go, to get rid of it all at once. I needed to cut the cord, get away from it. I stopped knitting for several months after that. A feeling of shame? Yes, maybe. It took me 18 months to really want to come back, to reopen this page. To my surprise, it was just as I left it, nothing had change.

I have changed. I became more mature, more calm. I now have a new approche to knitting. It was such a big and overpowering part of my life that I had to really start over to enjoy it again, take pleasure in picking up my needles and casting on. It doesn't stress me anymore. I learned to say "no".

Okay, enough with the explanations. I'm back, and I want to be back, so why dwell and try to justify it? I just missed this blog so much in the last month that I feel at peace now. So, let's look at what happened in the last year and a half.

I got the dream job in a publishing house. Litterature, poetry, intellectual and creative publications. I love my job, my coworkers. My loving boyfriend and I moved in an amazing appartment in a dead end, street level, with a (relatively) big private yard in the back. We've been here for a little over than a year now and we love it. 

In fact, we love it enough to stay here and start... a family. Yes, a family. Here I am, with my 7 months pregnant belly. Our little boy is due on April 12th. We are absolutely thrilled!

Which leads me to what I knitted during my retreat for the online world. You can see me sporting my Elemental Boatneck Sweater, by Hannah Fettig, knitted in Knit Picks Comfy DK. It was knitted over the summer 2013 and got wore a lot. You can tell by the cat hair. 

I've knitted other things, not a lot. I knitted when I wanted to, no pressure. Those projects are for other blog posts. And I played piano (a long love story with playing piano that I don't think I've ever talked about...), started watercolor... I really enjoyed myself.

I plan on blogging more, every week, or as the projects are finished and as I have things to post. I already have ideas, which is a really nice feeling to have. See ya :)


  1. Ariane!!

    I've missed you! Congratulation on your almost here newborn! Yay!! I look forward to seeing more of your posts!

    +> DC Boyd

  2. Hi!! I'm so happy to hear from you, even though I see your post once in a while in my Facebook feed. Hope you are doing well!

  3. I'm glad you're back! It was great to see your blog in my feed again. Congrats on the dream job and on your impending motherhood. What exciting changes!

  4. Welcome back!
    Congrats on the wee one.

  5. Welcome Back ! For all I know you look radiant and happy, that's what matters.

  6. Welcome back! It's great that you took a break to take care of yourself. You look amazing. Congratulations on your new addition!

  7. Happy to read you again! And with these very good news! Congratulations for the baby!

  8. Sophie Carpentier26 January 2014 at 09:56

    Yeah! Love this post my friend. Can't wait to read and see more. Love you!

  9. Woho, I'm glad you're back! And that belly :) congratulations! Sounds like you've got the dream life! Look forward to hearing more from you

  10. Congratulations Ariane! So happy for you! Glad to read you're feeling so at peace and happy! Good to see you're enjoying your knitting once again, as well! Looking forward to hearing more from you!

  11. Thank you so much! It's really nice to be back.

  12. Thanks! I'm really happy to be back :)

  13. Merci! Je suis vraiment contente d'être de retour. Comme retrouver un vieil ami :)

  14. Thanks! I'm really having the dream life. I couldn't ask for more right now!

  15. Welcome back! And congratulations :) Looking forward to your next projects.

  16. Thanks! I'm looking forward to showing them to you as well!

  17. Bon retour Ariane! Je suis ravie de la grande nouvelle, quel beau projet, le plus beau sans aucun doute! :) Et je me réjouis de te voir nous montrer ce qui tu mijotes comme tricot aussi, même si ce n'est plus ta préoccupation première, l'important c'est que tu te sentes bien dans ce que tu fais.. et tu fais plein de choses intéressantes :) Je jouais du piano quand j'étais plus jeune.. :)

  18. Merci! Je suis vraiment contente d'être de retour. J'au aussi hâte de vous montrer mes tricots de bébé! Nous nous préparons tranquillement. C'est vrai que le tricot n'occupe plus la première place dans ma liste des priorités, mais c'est redevenu un plaisir, et j'en suis bien contente.

  19. You look amazing! The sweater is lovely, too.

  20. Welcome back! Happy to see you here again!

  21. Thank you! I'm really happy to be back :)

  22. Welcome back! I'm so happy to see you again :0. Congratulations to you and your partner, you'll soon have another little person to knit for...yay!

  23. Félicitations ! C'est chouette de te revoir sur la blogosphère !
